How to Object
TRA objection to 19/02944/HSC - Explosives and Hazardous substances.
North Yorkshire Highways have requested major road changes to Rudgate be set as conditions.
TRA Challenges Church Farm Application Photographs and Issues Further Objection
This is the August Newsletter which will be delivered to all residents w/c 19/8/19
TRA objection document to the new Explosives Store Application Ref 19/02944/HSC
This is a copy of the update issued during August 2019
TRA commissioned Northern Planners to monitor this application and to provide responses to relevant changes. This is their latest update on our behalf.
This is the response sent by the TRA objecting to the explosives store application off Rudgate
This is the objection put together by Northern Planners Consultancy on behalf of the TRA and it's members.
TRA commissioned Northern Planners to review this application for planning irregularities and potential reasons for rejection. This is their report.
TRA Reactivated - Newsletter
This is the June 2019 Constitution for the TRA