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TRA Members Update - September 2019

Writer's picture: TRATRA

Dear Members,

We have had a very busy summer, unfortunately it seems to have been all about objecting to things!

If you wish to view on the Council portal either of the Planning Applications please go to this link:

Then enter in “simple search” the application number. Finally, go to the documents tab and click on “view associated documents”. You should now be able to see all the necessary documents.

Energetic Materials/Explosives Store

The second application regarding the Energetic Materials/ Explosives has been withdrawn by Brexco. This is due to confusion between Brexco and the Council about whether a Hazardous Substances Consent was required. It wasn’t. This doesn’t fill us with confidence as to the competence of either party.What IS required is an Explosives Licence. This is granted by The Health and Safety Executive and is NOT open to Public Consultation.The council have decided that any objection for the Explosives Store application (19/02944/HSC) that also mentioned the Energetic Materials application (19/01923/FULMAJ) will be carried over to the CORRECT application which is the Energetic Materials Store application (19/01923/FULMAJ). So far, this has been done in part. Currently, we can find no evidence that those of you who signed the petition have been carried over. As a consequence, there are now only just over 200 objections showing.The Council have now extended the deadline for objections to the Energetic Materials application (19/01923/FULMAJ) to Sunday 29thIf you only objected to the Explosives Store YOU WILL NEED TO OBJECT AGAIN, this time for the Energetic Materials Store (19/01923/FULMAJ). To assist in this, we have attached a Word Form Letter. This needs personalising and MUST include name and address. It can then be simply emailed to:

Ensure you put the following reference in the subject tab on the email:(19/01923/FULMAJ)

Church Farm Housing Development

The developer has been busy trying to adapt what we believe to be an ill-considered scheme in order to satisfy some of the objections and respond to comments from the professional consultees such as Highways, Yorkshire Water, The Drainage Board etc.To view the current state of affairs click on this link: Church FarmIt is not too late to object as the applicant is constantly making changes. Again, all you need to do is e mail your objections to:

Ensure you put the following reference in the subject tab on the email:(19/01734/FULMAJ). You must also include your name and address in the comments.

Airfield Footpath

The footpath runs from the Spinney by the school, along Southfield Lane and down the old airfield along the perimeter of the Prince Rupert Drive estate. This is not, however, a right of way and Tockwith Residents Association (TRA) has been informed that the owner intends to close this route.Because it has been walked for over 20 years without use being restricted TRA is applying to North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) for the route between The Green on Prince Rupert Drive and Southfield Lane near the School to be placed on the Definitive Map therefore becoming a legal right of way.We have attached the necessary forms to fill in along with some guidance notes by Caroline Alliott, who is championing this for us all. If you have any queries or need any help with this, please email:

Further information for all the above can be viewed on the TRA website at

If you any comments, positive or negative, regarding the work of the Residents Association please

Thank you.

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