Support Us
There are several ways you can support our activities whether in response to a planning application or to initiatives that we may run to provide additional facilities.
Responding to Planning Applications
Local Authorities will consider objections to planning applications based on different criteria. We have generally found there are two things that we can all do to best influence their decisions.
The first is to respond based on hard planning grounds, this can be daunting for many of us as we often don't have the knowledge or experience required.
The TRA will seek where possible to employ consultants to submit comprehensive responses on our members behalf. This is expensive but an important part of many campaigns.
The second is for as many people as possible to respond and anyone can do this. It can be as simple as sending an email or writing a letter saying "I object" or I support this application. You don't have to use the council portal!
It takes just a few minutes and is the most important thing you can do to help.
Of course if you can respond and include your reasons that helps.
See our Activities section on the main menu for further details on how to object to a planning application.
Membership and Donations
As mentioned above we sometimes need to hire consultants and this is very expensive so fund raising is a key activity.
Joining as a member for £10 per annum helps funding and the more members we have the better. The low price hopefully means several members of the same houshold will be able to join.
Since we represent our members when responding to applications it helps our case to have as many members as possible. If our response represents 1000 members it makes a much bigger impression on the authorities than if we only represent 100.
We also need additional Committee members and Fund Raising Group members.