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How to object to a Harrogate Borough Council Application

The "Activities" tab on the main menu includes information on applications and links to the Harrogate Planning Portal. Click the link and select the activity that you are interested in to see the application.

There are several ways to object to an application and all are valid.

  • email

  • Letter

  • Harrogate Planning Portal

In its simplest form all you have to do to object is to write or send an email, including the planning reference number in the title saying, "I object to this application". Remember to include your Name and Address.












This will count as an objection and show the strength of feeling that the public has about an application and will influence the councillors who approve/reject applications.


To influence the planners it is necessary to cite hard planning reasons for rejecting an application. So if you can add more detail saying why you disagree with the application you can influence both the councillors and planners.


The council prefer objections to be via their Planning Portal however some people have found this difficult to use and if affected it is permissible to use letter or email.

Further details for specific objections will be shown on the Activity pages on the main menu - just select the activity that you are interested in.

If you would like to know more about how to object on planning grounds there is a PowerPoint presentation here.

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